Thanksgiving Hymn
Our forefathers gave thanks to God, In the land by the stormy sea, For bread hard wrung from the iron sod, in cold and misery. Through every day meant toil and strife, In the land by the Wintry sea, They thanked their God for the gift of life, How much the more should be. — Charlotte Stetson. Blessings and thanksgiving enable us to increase every good that is in our life, until our world is filled with it. Take the time now to turn your thoughts upon something in your life that seems small now, or seems inefficient or insufficient. Say my soul magnifies the Lord (law) in me. Then realize that you are increasing your good, affairs and life by the power of spirit in you. God gives the increase, the process and the means is through a consciousness of gratitude, and a heart of thanksgiving. Let's go a step further and look at money, health, relationships, careers and retirements. Specifically look at something that is the key to a better life, empowered or increased life. If you have a little good or you want and need more good in your life, recognize it. If you desire more then turn your thoughts to abundance, increase, plenty and again say my soul magnifies the good in me. You have planted seeds and they shall grow according to your happy consciousness and willingness to let them grow and increase. You have found the key. Your increase shall continue until your whole world is filled with enough good to use and to share. Be grateful for your increase in all areas of your life.
Say positive statements like "I thank you Father," "I appreciate my good," and "I bless my good everywhere in my me, with an attitude of gratitude, I am grateful and appreciative. I give thanks, I give myself wholly to acknowledging the one presence, one power that is in everyone and everything." Refuse to think or speak negative words of any kind that would indicate poverty, lack or limitation. Read More