According to the I AM America prophecies as the current Light of Awakening--a prophesied wave of Galactic Light--increases on earth, many cataclysmic geological changes may be suspended.~Lori
‘Getting closer. Ready to die? Just kidding.’ Luckily for us, it was. If its mock Twitter page is anything to go by, @AsteroidYU55 was ‘huge, sarcastic, bit scary, lonely and looking forward to striking Earth in November 2011’. Thankfully, the 400metre-wide asteroid only came within 325,000km (202,000 miles) of our planet. In the end, 2005 YU55, to give it its full name, hurtled past at 48,000kph (30,000mph), coming slightly closer than the Moon. Nasa keeps a running list of recent NEO ‘close approaches’ to Earth –YU55 was just one of four to pass near Earth on November 8 alone. It also has a ‘risk table’ of Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs) that could cause ‘potential future Earth impact events’ in the next 100 years. The current tally lists 374 asteroids. The man who discovered the asteroid six years ago says there was never any chance of it hitting us. Read More
Asteroid 2055 YU55 passes close by Earth; how close did it get? An asteroid the size of an aircraft carrier missed Earth by only 200,000 miles as it flew by Tuesday night — the closest an asteroid has been to Earth in 200 years...
Asteroid 2005 YU55 Meets Comet Elenin’s Debris Tail at Earth on November, 2011 Asteroid 2005 YU55 discovered December 28, 2005 by Robert McMillan of the Spacewatch Program near Tucson Arizona is expected to cross between the orbit of moon and the earth, passing the earth by only 204.502 miles at around the exact same time the...