Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Earth Change Study Group Forming

by Elaine Cardall
A group is forming to study the New World Atlas by Lori Toye, which is part of the I Am America material. This work has received worldwide attention and has been featured on NBC, FOX, UPN, and in the New York Times. This material shows how the Earth has begun a cleansing process which is now accelerating and attempting to wake us up. They use the phrase: “A Change Of Heart Can Change The World!”

The Earth is cleansing with the elements the same way that we do, by washing out irritants, blowing away toxins, burning up infection, and shaking loose blockages. The Earth has always responded to our misuse, just as our own bodies have responded to adverse living conditions, chemicals, smoke, radiation, and stress. But there is a reckoning when a living organism reaches a breaking point, then the response begins to happen on a much larger scale. Can we even begin to imagine the pain to a living planet of an underground nuclear explosion? Could we blame the Earth for bringing her water across warring countries?

The I Am America material shows detailed maps of the possible direction of these changes, depending upon our response. We are in the center of one of five major vortices in the United States , each 270 miles wide, which is part of a larger global cleansing system, numbering 51 around the planet. These are similar to the chakras in our body, spinning clockwise to bring in energies and counter-clockwise to cleanse and release. These areas are protected from the larger cataclysmic changes which are beginning to occur and many will be coming here for safety.

The centers of these vortices are particularly sensitive to the happenings, thoughts, feelings, and projections of those living there. If an alignment can occur within those centers with the needs of the planet, a great service can be performed not only for the local vortex but also in forming a grid between all the vortices to establish global harmony. Instead of taking unconsciously, the I Am America material focuses upon giving back consciously. Techniques are presented for personal as well as global healing.

The first meeting of the Earth Change Study Group will be held on Monday, July 11, at 6:30 PM at the Mattoon Public Library, 1600 Charleston Avenue . Your participation will make a difference. Join us for the first organizational meeting, where these maps will be presented, an introduction given, and inquires made to find the best time and location for holding a weekly meeting. Please contact Elaine Cardall at 217-258-6594 to pre-register if at all possible, so that we will know the size of the room needed, and also to be put on a list for future changes in dates or locations. If you are interested but cannot make this meeting, call for another time and to make your preferences known. You can join the group at any time.