by Hope Bradford
According to Spirit Deity, Kuan Yin (in: The Gods Have Spoken Prophecy 2012 and Beyond, Creating a New Earth ) each of us has “chosen” to live in this specific era, often becoming repeatedly enmeshed in the “not enough, better than and survival of the fittest” beliefs mostly dominating this paradigm. The bliss-fulfillment potential for any personal or mass reality (or even basic progress) will depend upon whether the above limiting beliefs are healed or remain in tact:
“Humans say they’re better than each other. And they say they’re better than nature. It’s ludicrous to compare the intelligence of other living creatures to human intelligence. Plants have enormous intelligences and spirituality. However, the 'better than' mindset greatly contributes to the ongoing environmental destruction.”-Kuan Yin
In trying to determine the validity of this Kuan Yin assertion, you don’t have to look very far. One frequently witnesses the skewed circumstances that can result when the aforementioned limiting beliefs are in play. As the deity further states: “Unfortunately, many individuals really believe there are not enough resources for everyone…Any war or other dilemma(s) focusing on hate, fear and murder is based on the belief of not enough and the illusion of survival of the fittest.”
We often hear of the potentially devastating influence of global warming: how excessive carbon emissions are warming our oceans and creating all forms of extreme weather conditions. The weekend of April 16th produced a record-breaking amount of tornadoes tearing through fifteen states and killing at least 44 people in the United States. At the same time, extreme drought conditions in Texas enabled the spread of wildfires from border to border. Read More
The Resurrection Myth / Jesus Was Divinely Human And A Rebel For Love Jesus was divinely human ~ a determined revolutionary and an evolutionary forerunner for a state of love and soul consciousness which is also deepest within each one of us. Only the church as an institution stands in the way of this common innate connection and empowering knowledge...