This article, posted at Benjamin’s blog, is about Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS), new currencies, and more. The article does not name the writer, but seems to be related to “Intention One Earth Foundation” (
The first historic trades within the new financial system have taken place!
The many global, independent trading networks all over the planet are rapidly connecting with each other, forming an infinitely expanding web of local and international commerce, exchange and trade.
People have woken up to the fact: for most of what we spend WE DO NOT NEED GOVERNMENT ISSUED MONEY. In fact, so many different groups have been abusing the money system, it can no longer fulfill its original purposes, which were:
a) as a medium of exchange
b) as a unit of account, and
c) as a store of value
It is the last of these that has led to systemic abuse and criminality, along with usury – the charging of interest. Money stopped merely facilitating things (a job it can do supremely well) and started to be seen as value in itself – which is one reason why so much is out of circulation! The ‘value’ is being hoarded, availability manipulated, markets distorted. No wonder the older religions all forbade usury – for they knew that the usurer and his schemes means that he always ends up owning everything, and tends to manipulate ruthlessly to that end.
There have been some interesting clues as to how this controlling and enslaving global finance system might be broken up. In the 1980’s, in Canada, a man called Michael Linton named the first Local Exchange Trading systems (LETS), from which a number were established. They then spread around the planet, but were largely ignored by anyone even remotely mainstream. The system, in brief, means that you have a local, non-interest bearing currency, and members of the system trade together for all sorts of goods and services: up to 70% of everything you need can be acquired this way in a properly run system with enough members. See definition at:
Then there were time banks, e-currencies…and many other innovations. Over thirty years the expertise has spread to everywhere. For Time Bank description, see:
One of the most sophisticated, just coming into full operation, is Liverpool, England-based TGL: see:
The first big clue to how these generic system types might be deployed was when Argentina got into trouble with the banksters, and threw out the IMF. Read More
Extreme Weather, Global Warming, Destroying the Earth, Geology, Earthquake America, Earthquake Japan
Friday, December 23, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
As the Crisis Refuses to Calm, Scenarios of Euro Collapse Appear
by Bruce Crumley
Despite the distracting political drama over the UK’s outlier rejection at last week’s European Union agreement on fiscal and budgetary coordination, it’s now become clear that main objective of the collective effort–to ensure the survival of the euro, and more broadly bolster Europe’s economic outlook–has not been attained, and that the currency has won a short-term respite at best. So with the monetary chaos and European debt crisis still looming large and posing troubling questions, it would be unwise to ignore hypotheses now arising about what might happen if certain countries dropped out of the euro zone—or if the entire currency imploded. While that is still very much “what if” theorizing at this point, such a potential crisis is worth examining, if only to identify signs of what may await if things continue to deteriorate.
Tuesday’s New York Times continues its excellent coverage of Europe’s debt crisis by turning to Greece–the most weakened and vulnerable economy on the continent. It raises questions about the potential consequences of a return to the drachma. The picture isn’t pretty—involving bank runs, freezes on moving capital abroad, surging unemployment, rising prices and falling currency values, government default, isolation from international creditors and markets, and the sort of social and economic trauma and ruin associated with the Great Depression—or worse. “As the country descends into chaos,” the Times imagines, “the military seizes control of the government.” Read More
The Scope of Metaphysics
"So what is the scope of metaphysics? No, it’s not some new-age, mystical, spiritual woo-woo. It is fundamentally concerned with describing or understanding the nature of being and becoming (change)."
When people come across the term “metaphysics” they often associate it with new-age spiritual mysticism that deals with the mysterious non-physical aspects of reality such as spirits or spiritual healing or ghosts. This is quite understandable as the etymology of the word suggests just that. The word is derived from Greek meaning beyond or after (meta) physics.
The main reason for this confusion can be traced back to the Latin scholars who translated and commented on Aristotle’s works. Aristotle wrote several books on physics and Andronicus of Rhodes placed several of Aristotle’s more philosophical works after these books. Andronicus labelled these works as “the books that come after the physics” and the Latin scholars thought it meant “the science of what is beyond the physical”, hence “metaphysics”. Read More
When people come across the term “metaphysics” they often associate it with new-age spiritual mysticism that deals with the mysterious non-physical aspects of reality such as spirits or spiritual healing or ghosts. This is quite understandable as the etymology of the word suggests just that. The word is derived from Greek meaning beyond or after (meta) physics.
The main reason for this confusion can be traced back to the Latin scholars who translated and commented on Aristotle’s works. Aristotle wrote several books on physics and Andronicus of Rhodes placed several of Aristotle’s more philosophical works after these books. Andronicus labelled these works as “the books that come after the physics” and the Latin scholars thought it meant “the science of what is beyond the physical”, hence “metaphysics”. Read More
NASA: Earth's Prehistoric Record Warns of Nearing Rapid Climate Change
A new U.S. space agency study warns the Earth this century could see rapid and catastrophic climate changes if man-made global warming levels are allowed to reach an internationally-recognized so-called “safe limit” of two degrees Celsius.
The NASA researchers examined prehistoric climate conditions during past interglacial periods - the time between ice ages - and compared them with the interglacial period the Earth is currently experiencing. The last interglacial period ended around 115,000 years ago when temperatures were less than one degree Celsius warmer than today, and sea levels were six meters higher. Read More
The NASA researchers examined prehistoric climate conditions during past interglacial periods - the time between ice ages - and compared them with the interglacial period the Earth is currently experiencing. The last interglacial period ended around 115,000 years ago when temperatures were less than one degree Celsius warmer than today, and sea levels were six meters higher. Read More
Friday, December 2, 2011
The Shift of the Ages
by Dawn Abel,
"And so the Earth is literally “shaking” and “cleansing” itself of the dense and toxic energies as it spirals up the new vortex of violet light."
A major shift occurred on October 28, 2011, the end of the Mayan Universal Underworld cycle. Some awoke the following morning feeling lighthearted and renewed. Others continued their day-to-day operations without a thought to the new energy; either they didn’t feel it, didn’t know about it, or didn’t care. Regardless, a shift did occur but it was not linear. The shift was harmonic. Harmonic energy waves raise energy, they don’t change energy.
Those who were involved in grounding this new energy to the Earth were actually raising the Earth to the new energy dynamic, not bringing the energy down to the planet. This is what “heaven on Earth” is all about. And it is this dynamic that is now playing out and will continue to play out around the globe as the planet makes a physical and material transition to the new harmonic energy.
The new energy has been birthed, implanted, and grounded. The new cosmic grid is now enveloping the planet so that the Earth can work its way up the violet ray of ascension. That does not mean that everything is going to be peaceful and loving during the ascension process. As is evident by the news on a daily basis, there is still war, hunger, and strife on the planet. The new harmonic energies can only lift those who are ready to embrace these light energies. The planet has been readied to ascend and has begun to do so, but not all the people on the planet are ready. And so the Earth is literally “shaking” and “cleansing” itself of the dense and toxic energies as it spirals up the new vortex of violet light. Those who are ready for ascension, those who have prepared for the moment, those who have diligently stood ground when others ran, can now climb without the burden of weight upon their shoulders.
Of course, energies change first in the cosmic realms and then move into the physical realm. So there is a delay factor that will continue to play the old underworld scripts as the new energy totally envelops the planet and moves it up the cosmic ladder, rather than the corporate ladder. In fact, the corporate ladders are crumbling of their own weight, even if this does not appear so.
The cosmic ladder of light does not carry weight; it carries light energy. Thus, many can climb up if they have let go of their planetary baggage. The ascent requires unity and compassion. So to successfully ascend, you must bring others who are unified and compassionate with you. Those who are not unified or compassionate, those who continue to exploit and enslave, those who seek power for themselves, cannot climb the cosmic ladder.
This ladder is akin to Jacob’s ladder in the Hebrew bible. In a dream, Jacob saw God standing above the ladder. God repeated the promise of support he had made to Abraham and Isaac. He told Jacob his offspring would be many, blessing all the families of the Earth. God then said,
“Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you” (Genesis 28:15)
Now that we have moved out of the Mayan Underworld “Universal” cycle (the final Mayan Underworld cycle) into the spiraling harmonic energy wave, many are ready to ascend the ladder to establish their “heaven on Earth,” through the “outreach of God.”
“Thy people also shall be all righteous, they shall inherit the land for ever; the branch of my planting, the work of my hands, that I may be glorified.” (Isaiah 60:21).
In contrast to Jacob's ladder...Read More
"And so the Earth is literally “shaking” and “cleansing” itself of the dense and toxic energies as it spirals up the new vortex of violet light."
A major shift occurred on October 28, 2011, the end of the Mayan Universal Underworld cycle. Some awoke the following morning feeling lighthearted and renewed. Others continued their day-to-day operations without a thought to the new energy; either they didn’t feel it, didn’t know about it, or didn’t care. Regardless, a shift did occur but it was not linear. The shift was harmonic. Harmonic energy waves raise energy, they don’t change energy.
Those who were involved in grounding this new energy to the Earth were actually raising the Earth to the new energy dynamic, not bringing the energy down to the planet. This is what “heaven on Earth” is all about. And it is this dynamic that is now playing out and will continue to play out around the globe as the planet makes a physical and material transition to the new harmonic energy.
The new energy has been birthed, implanted, and grounded. The new cosmic grid is now enveloping the planet so that the Earth can work its way up the violet ray of ascension. That does not mean that everything is going to be peaceful and loving during the ascension process. As is evident by the news on a daily basis, there is still war, hunger, and strife on the planet. The new harmonic energies can only lift those who are ready to embrace these light energies. The planet has been readied to ascend and has begun to do so, but not all the people on the planet are ready. And so the Earth is literally “shaking” and “cleansing” itself of the dense and toxic energies as it spirals up the new vortex of violet light. Those who are ready for ascension, those who have prepared for the moment, those who have diligently stood ground when others ran, can now climb without the burden of weight upon their shoulders.
Of course, energies change first in the cosmic realms and then move into the physical realm. So there is a delay factor that will continue to play the old underworld scripts as the new energy totally envelops the planet and moves it up the cosmic ladder, rather than the corporate ladder. In fact, the corporate ladders are crumbling of their own weight, even if this does not appear so.
The cosmic ladder of light does not carry weight; it carries light energy. Thus, many can climb up if they have let go of their planetary baggage. The ascent requires unity and compassion. So to successfully ascend, you must bring others who are unified and compassionate with you. Those who are not unified or compassionate, those who continue to exploit and enslave, those who seek power for themselves, cannot climb the cosmic ladder.
This ladder is akin to Jacob’s ladder in the Hebrew bible. In a dream, Jacob saw God standing above the ladder. God repeated the promise of support he had made to Abraham and Isaac. He told Jacob his offspring would be many, blessing all the families of the Earth. God then said,
“Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you” (Genesis 28:15)
Now that we have moved out of the Mayan Underworld “Universal” cycle (the final Mayan Underworld cycle) into the spiraling harmonic energy wave, many are ready to ascend the ladder to establish their “heaven on Earth,” through the “outreach of God.”
“Thy people also shall be all righteous, they shall inherit the land for ever; the branch of my planting, the work of my hands, that I may be glorified.” (Isaiah 60:21).
In contrast to Jacob's ladder...Read More
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Demand change: an open letter to Japan's rising generations
By STEPHEN HESSE from the Japan Times Online
If you're like my 17-year-old, then you probably already know just about everything there is to know, and reading this column you'll likely just say: "Yeah, right, whatever," or "So?"
But if you have a few minutes, younger readers especially, please bear with me.
As a father, professor and environment journalist, I am seriously concerned about our use and abuse of our planet Earth, soon to be your planet Earth.
With the human population growing, marine resources dwindling and every inch of our planet touched by human-made chemicals and waste, I'm less than optimistic about the state of the world you will soon inherit.
From a different perspective, however, we can say that your generation is facing the most exciting challenges of any generation in history. We are on the cusp of dramatic changes environmentally, politically, socially and economically, with the effects of climate change multiplying, the Arab Spring phenomenon and Occupy Wall Street protests gaining traction, and developing nations rushing headlong forward while developed countries grind to a crawl.
In your lifetime, you have a chance to recalibrate the way we do things on this planet: to create a society that prioritizes justice, human rights and the quality of human life; to harness safe energy for all; and to introduce global, sustainable resource use.
Of course, there is a distinct possibility that we will fail to deal with such pressing issues as shrinking fresh-water supplies, loss of critical biological diversity and the effects of climate change feeding back upon itself. Then all hell will break loose.
To help you visualize how quickly things are changing, take a look at the website Worldometers (
Seeing the numbers click over faster than a high-speed gasoline pump, births and deaths, expenditure on military, CO2 emissions in tons, and energy use from non-renewable sources — to name a few — helps make stunningly clear how much and how fast your world is transforming, and in many ways not for the better. Humans have never faced so many challenges and the stakes have never been higher: Human society and our planet as we know them are on the line. The good news is that solutions are as endless as human creativity. The bad news is that the problems are global and they are entrenched in our systems of governance and business. And the clock is ticking. So, on a recent splendid day of blue skies and fiery foliage, I asked fellow educators in Japan who share some of my optimism regarding this country's university students for words of encouragement to share with the next generation of planet-keepers. No doubt you will disagree with some of my and their thoughts, but don't dismiss us completely. We have decades of experience teaching in Japan and perhaps even taught your parents — though we don't take responsibility for how they turned out!
One of my colleagues, a professor from the Chuo University Law School, offers advice for students who are job-hunting or trying to decide what to do with their lives. "The first step is not the last step. Setting goals is worthwhile, but ambitious goals are rarely achieved all at once. This applies to careers as well as social movements. What's important is to keep at it, to scan the surroundings for opportune moments and to be ready when the time is right," he suggests. From Sophia University, a professor urges young people to take action in the face of discouragement. "Sometimes a bleak situation can motivate you to act in ways you would not have the courage to do in good times. Today, with a bad job market and disconnected politicians, it is time for young people to act up, to speak out, to protest injustice, to dance in the streets and to sing at the top of your lungs. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain," he explains. A long-time friend and professor at Japan Women's University sent me two quotes from the Buddha focusing on the spiritual aspects of one's personal growth and life work, and explained why she chose them. The first quote is: "Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." "You've probably wondered at times how much difference you can really make, but there's so much that can be achieved through the efforts of one person," she notes. "It's easy to get into a mind-set where you feel that if you help others, your own energy and happiness will be depleted. But it actually works the opposite way!" The second quote: "Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it." "I've included the second quotation," she explains, "because it's so important to devote yourself heart and soul to what you feel passionate about. This is how we can bring the greatest benefit to ourselves and society."
An environmental educator in Kyoto focuses on the issue of production and waste.
"For a sustainable future, it is time to 'look back and move forward' to the old adage 'waste not, want not,' and to show that truly advanced countries can use their wealth and know-how to develop technologies that reuse everything. Then, like in the rest of nature, waste will once again become a resource in a closed-loop cycle, giving sustenance to the future."
Another educator from Kansai focused on the Internet's potential for political change.
" 'The System' has always been that the rich give lots of money to politicians and tell them what to say and do. Once in a while we can replace these politicians with new politicians who perpetuate this false democracy. But now we have Internet democracy. Millions of people uniting every day can make politicians think and act for ecological sustainability, instead of unsustainable economic 'growth'. "
Finally, a colleague at Aoyama Gakuin University who teaches environmental politics sent several quotes that inspire him. "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." (Often attributed to non-violent peace activist Mahatma Gandhi [1869-1948].) "Idealists foolish enough to throw caution to the winds have advanced humankind and enriched the world." (Lithuanian-American anarchist Emma Goldman [1869-1940].) And another he sent that is an old favorite of mine from Gandhi: "You must be the change you want to see in the world."
Which brings me to some suggestions of my own.
First and foremost, demand change. Political, social and economic changes are all urgently needed, and all are inherently part of conserving the global environment. You might not get what you demand, but you certainly won't get what you don't ask for.
Second, stay informed. The great British war leader Winston Churchill (1874-1965) once stated, "It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried." However, he also wryly noted, "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." So don't be that average voter, because what you don't know can hurt you. Imagine what Tepco (operator of the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant) and the government would never have told us if the media and civil society had not asked questions, again and again, and demanded answers.
Of course, average is fine, but don't be average if it means being ignorant. Demand transparency and accountability in politics, in your universities and companies. Olympus might still have a rosy future if someone had demanded these things years ago. And when your politicians, universities and companies do wrong, be indignant, especially about injustice. Demand justice, demand equality — and demand fairness.
Finally, don't be afraid to take chances. One of the greatest obstacles to positive change is fear of the unknown; fear that what happens next may be worse than what we have. The world is changing environmentally, socially, politically and economically, and society must change to respond. Yesterday's solutions are, by definition, out of date.
Of course, change simply for the sake of change can be wasteful, but I can't count how many times I've heard decision-makers in Japan insist that something should not be done because it has never been done before. Solutions come in myriad forms, from purebred to hybrid, so if something has never been done before, that may be one of the best reasons to give it a try.
The truth is, human society needs change and needs it desperately. Most of us will not find a cure for disease or invent a pollution-free energy system, but we all contribute to society and our planet, for better or worse. So, be someone who contributes for the better.
No matter what you do with your life, however large or small your contribution to society, begin by acting for those around you: your family, your neighbors, your fellow students, your workmates, your community. You might not be the next Bill Gates or Mahatma Gandhi, but the ripples from your good works and kindness will spread — and carry you with them.
If you're like my 17-year-old, then you probably already know just about everything there is to know, and reading this column you'll likely just say: "Yeah, right, whatever," or "So?"
But if you have a few minutes, younger readers especially, please bear with me.
As a father, professor and environment journalist, I am seriously concerned about our use and abuse of our planet Earth, soon to be your planet Earth.
With the human population growing, marine resources dwindling and every inch of our planet touched by human-made chemicals and waste, I'm less than optimistic about the state of the world you will soon inherit.
From a different perspective, however, we can say that your generation is facing the most exciting challenges of any generation in history. We are on the cusp of dramatic changes environmentally, politically, socially and economically, with the effects of climate change multiplying, the Arab Spring phenomenon and Occupy Wall Street protests gaining traction, and developing nations rushing headlong forward while developed countries grind to a crawl.
In your lifetime, you have a chance to recalibrate the way we do things on this planet: to create a society that prioritizes justice, human rights and the quality of human life; to harness safe energy for all; and to introduce global, sustainable resource use.
Of course, there is a distinct possibility that we will fail to deal with such pressing issues as shrinking fresh-water supplies, loss of critical biological diversity and the effects of climate change feeding back upon itself. Then all hell will break loose.
To help you visualize how quickly things are changing, take a look at the website Worldometers (
Seeing the numbers click over faster than a high-speed gasoline pump, births and deaths, expenditure on military, CO2 emissions in tons, and energy use from non-renewable sources — to name a few — helps make stunningly clear how much and how fast your world is transforming, and in many ways not for the better. Humans have never faced so many challenges and the stakes have never been higher: Human society and our planet as we know them are on the line. The good news is that solutions are as endless as human creativity. The bad news is that the problems are global and they are entrenched in our systems of governance and business. And the clock is ticking. So, on a recent splendid day of blue skies and fiery foliage, I asked fellow educators in Japan who share some of my optimism regarding this country's university students for words of encouragement to share with the next generation of planet-keepers. No doubt you will disagree with some of my and their thoughts, but don't dismiss us completely. We have decades of experience teaching in Japan and perhaps even taught your parents — though we don't take responsibility for how they turned out!
One of my colleagues, a professor from the Chuo University Law School, offers advice for students who are job-hunting or trying to decide what to do with their lives. "The first step is not the last step. Setting goals is worthwhile, but ambitious goals are rarely achieved all at once. This applies to careers as well as social movements. What's important is to keep at it, to scan the surroundings for opportune moments and to be ready when the time is right," he suggests. From Sophia University, a professor urges young people to take action in the face of discouragement. "Sometimes a bleak situation can motivate you to act in ways you would not have the courage to do in good times. Today, with a bad job market and disconnected politicians, it is time for young people to act up, to speak out, to protest injustice, to dance in the streets and to sing at the top of your lungs. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain," he explains. A long-time friend and professor at Japan Women's University sent me two quotes from the Buddha focusing on the spiritual aspects of one's personal growth and life work, and explained why she chose them. The first quote is: "Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." "You've probably wondered at times how much difference you can really make, but there's so much that can be achieved through the efforts of one person," she notes. "It's easy to get into a mind-set where you feel that if you help others, your own energy and happiness will be depleted. But it actually works the opposite way!" The second quote: "Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it." "I've included the second quotation," she explains, "because it's so important to devote yourself heart and soul to what you feel passionate about. This is how we can bring the greatest benefit to ourselves and society."
An environmental educator in Kyoto focuses on the issue of production and waste.
"For a sustainable future, it is time to 'look back and move forward' to the old adage 'waste not, want not,' and to show that truly advanced countries can use their wealth and know-how to develop technologies that reuse everything. Then, like in the rest of nature, waste will once again become a resource in a closed-loop cycle, giving sustenance to the future."
Another educator from Kansai focused on the Internet's potential for political change.
" 'The System' has always been that the rich give lots of money to politicians and tell them what to say and do. Once in a while we can replace these politicians with new politicians who perpetuate this false democracy. But now we have Internet democracy. Millions of people uniting every day can make politicians think and act for ecological sustainability, instead of unsustainable economic 'growth'. "
Finally, a colleague at Aoyama Gakuin University who teaches environmental politics sent several quotes that inspire him. "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." (Often attributed to non-violent peace activist Mahatma Gandhi [1869-1948].) "Idealists foolish enough to throw caution to the winds have advanced humankind and enriched the world." (Lithuanian-American anarchist Emma Goldman [1869-1940].) And another he sent that is an old favorite of mine from Gandhi: "You must be the change you want to see in the world."
Which brings me to some suggestions of my own.
First and foremost, demand change. Political, social and economic changes are all urgently needed, and all are inherently part of conserving the global environment. You might not get what you demand, but you certainly won't get what you don't ask for.
Second, stay informed. The great British war leader Winston Churchill (1874-1965) once stated, "It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried." However, he also wryly noted, "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." So don't be that average voter, because what you don't know can hurt you. Imagine what Tepco (operator of the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant) and the government would never have told us if the media and civil society had not asked questions, again and again, and demanded answers.
Of course, average is fine, but don't be average if it means being ignorant. Demand transparency and accountability in politics, in your universities and companies. Olympus might still have a rosy future if someone had demanded these things years ago. And when your politicians, universities and companies do wrong, be indignant, especially about injustice. Demand justice, demand equality — and demand fairness.
Finally, don't be afraid to take chances. One of the greatest obstacles to positive change is fear of the unknown; fear that what happens next may be worse than what we have. The world is changing environmentally, socially, politically and economically, and society must change to respond. Yesterday's solutions are, by definition, out of date.
Of course, change simply for the sake of change can be wasteful, but I can't count how many times I've heard decision-makers in Japan insist that something should not be done because it has never been done before. Solutions come in myriad forms, from purebred to hybrid, so if something has never been done before, that may be one of the best reasons to give it a try.
The truth is, human society needs change and needs it desperately. Most of us will not find a cure for disease or invent a pollution-free energy system, but we all contribute to society and our planet, for better or worse. So, be someone who contributes for the better.
No matter what you do with your life, however large or small your contribution to society, begin by acting for those around you: your family, your neighbors, your fellow students, your workmates, your community. You might not be the next Bill Gates or Mahatma Gandhi, but the ripples from your good works and kindness will spread — and carry you with them.
Evolutionary Enlightenment - A New Path to Spiritual Awakening
By Corina Andronache
I am pleased to introduce to you, Andrew Cohen, “a truly remarkable spiritual teacher on the cutting edge of evolutionary thinking and action. He is playing an invaluable leadership role in the emergence of evolutionary spirituality: an integrity-based, deeply meaningful approach to life grounded in our best scientific understanding of cosmic, earth, biological, and human history. Andrew’s writings and teachings are destined to make a real difference in the world.” - Michel Dowd, author of Thank God for EvolutionCorina: What is Evolutionary Enlightenment?
Andrew: Evolutionary Enlightenment is a new spiritual path and practice that is culturally relevant for our time. It brings together the perennial mystical insight that the ultimate nature of reality is Oneness and the scientific discovery that we’re part of an evolutionary process that is going somewhere. In Evolutionary Enlightenment, we win our spiritual liberation through the experiential recognition that who we really are is not separate from the primordial energy and intelligence that created the universe. We experience that energy and intelligence as what I call the evolutionary impulse—the life-positive, perpetually creative inspiration that compels human beings to strive to give rise to new potentials. The realization that “I AM” the energy and intelligence that created the universe and not merely a psychological ego is the fundamental insight that liberates the self in the new evolutionary spirituality.
Corina: Why do you describe Evolutionary Enlightenment as being "culturally relevant?”
Andrew: The pervasiveness of mythical and magical thinking in the great religious traditions presents an enormous challenge for the highly educated person at the beginning of the 21st Century. Also most forms of mysticism, both East and West, throughout the ages have primarily been about transcending the world, about “being in the world but not of it.” The new Enlightenment that I speak about is based upon an evolutionary worldview. Science has taught us that the entire universe is one ongoing creative process that had a beginning in time almost 14 billion years ago. This new worldview reveals to us that our uniquely human, highly evolved capacity for consciousness and complex thinking is the very leading edge of that creative process. As Julian Huxley famously said "Man is nothing but evolution become conscious of itself." A new culturally relevant mysticism is being born based upon this profound revelation: that you and I really are the energy and intelligence that created the universe awakening to itself in human form. The moral, philosophical, and spiritual implications of that truth are deeply relevant for human beings searching for meaning and purpose in the twenty-first century. Read More
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
The Beginning of the Beginning
Before Occupy Wall Street began, Saint Germain shared his insights regarding the stumbling blocks of greed and fear in the MP3 lesson: Luminous Light, from the Twilight Series. A complimentary copy of this lesson is available for anyone in financial need. Please e-mail orders at for the download link. "Many are not ready to hear this message, while others will hear it and awaken, even in the Twilight Hours." ~ Saint Germain
On November 17th, tens of thousands of people peacefully gathered in Foley Square in solidarity with #OWS. It was a powerful night of music, chant, and protest. We marched across the Brooklyn Bridge finding strength in our numbers and inspiration in our shared resolve to challenge the neoliberal economic system that controls our government and destroys our communities. As we marched a beautiful light appeared in downtown Manhattan.......Read More
On November 17th, tens of thousands of people peacefully gathered in Foley Square in solidarity with #OWS. It was a powerful night of music, chant, and protest. We marched across the Brooklyn Bridge finding strength in our numbers and inspiration in our shared resolve to challenge the neoliberal economic system that controls our government and destroys our communities. As we marched a beautiful light appeared in downtown Manhattan.......Read More
Safecast Draws on Power of the Crowd to Map Japan's Radiation
Eight months after a tsunami caused a nuclear accident in Japan, ordinary people are using new technology and the power of crowdsourcing to find radiation hotspots.
JEFFREY BROWN: Now, tracking the spread of radiation in Japan eight months after the tsunami caused a nuclear accident.
Japanese people are using new technology and the power of crowdsourcing to find hotspots.
NewsHour science correspondent Miles O'Brien has the second in a series of stories from Japan.
MILES O'BRIEN: In Japan, these days, you never know where you're going to find a hotspot. We are at a highway rest stop halfway between Tokyo and Fukushima, and we are looking for the kind of hotspot you would just as soon avoid.
PIETER FRANKEN, Safecast Japan: On the roof, the cesium didn't really stick very well, so it all flushed down and when it hit the concrete or the stone here, it bonded. So this is like a micro hotspot. Read More
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Recycling Earth
"The recycling that I mentioned here is not the process of birth and death. This recycling comes between birth and death. In other words, it deals with the ‘code of conduct' of humanity when it arrives in this planet as a new born baby till the period of departure through death. We must live the life in this world with the realization that we are only travelers for a time being and we must maintain the sanctity and preserve the natural resources of this planet by ensuring a bright future for new arrivals which will be coming during and after our departure."
By Abdul Basit,
With the economic crisis that has gripped the world nations due to euro zone and the new report of US State Department of Energy stating that the carbon emissions in the environment have vastly increased in 2010, the world is passing through a critical stage. At the recent ECOQ exhibition and conference on environment in Qatar, Jean Audouze, President of France UNESCO said that at the beginning of 19th century, the planet had only 1billion human inhabitants. It is estimated that by next month there will be 7 billion people on Earth (which we have already attained this October), and by 2050 there will be 9 billion. “If every human being wished to live with the standards of American people, we would need seven Earths to support this amount of people. If every human being wanted to live in the same standards of a European, we would need three Earths to support all those people.”
With the growing population and developing countries emulating the path of developed countries in unsustainable and exploitative economic development, we will soon find ourselves in a situation where this planet is not enough for fulfilling our consumerist desires. Hence, how can we save the humanity and this earth from the greed and consumerism and ensure a balanced, sustainable and eco-friendly economic growth. This thought hounded me and resulted in the development of a new concept, ‘Recycling Earth'.
We have hitherto heard of waste management system by waste hierarchy of 3 R's namely, reduce-reuse-recycle (there also two additional R's that are incorporated recently like recover and rethink). The aim of this waste management hierarchy is to extract the maximum benefits from the used materials and reduce the amount of waste to minimal. As for recycling which is the third aspect, it is the process of converting used materials into new products to prevent the wastage potentially useful materials. These materials include paper, glass, plastic, metals, electronic...etc.
By the concept of ‘Recycling Earth' we can include the following three aspects:
1) Recycling land, water and air
2) Recycling Humanity
3) Recycling Economy
Being the only habitable planet in the universe, our earth, which is blessed with vast and varied landscapes and bio- diversities, should be protected in all respects to ensure the existence of the humanity and well-being of the future generation. Hence we have to preserve the land, air and oceans and prevent it from damage and pollution. Following are the brief details of how we can recycle land, water and air.
a) Land : Growing population, spreading urbanization, deforestation, industrialization, desertification, disposal of waste and unsustainable method of agriculture: have all negatively affected our land. Many of the islands and coastal areas are in the brink of disappearing due to rising sea levels and melting glaciers. The climate change has affected the carrying capacity of this planet and erosion and soil degradation are widespread. Taking into the consideration these factors, we have to find ways to recycle or reutilize the land that has been negatively affected and at the same time preserve the forests and other natural resources from extinction. We must also try to retrieve brownfield and superfund lands (these are terms used in US for unused and contaminated lands). Many new techniques have been developed to clean up the contaminated lands like soil vapour extraction, bioremediation, in situ oxidation and phytoremediation. However, further research and development is required to develop more sophisticated methods. Immediate actions must also be taken to save many islands from rising sea levels. Read More
By Abdul Basit,
With the economic crisis that has gripped the world nations due to euro zone and the new report of US State Department of Energy stating that the carbon emissions in the environment have vastly increased in 2010, the world is passing through a critical stage. At the recent ECOQ exhibition and conference on environment in Qatar, Jean Audouze, President of France UNESCO said that at the beginning of 19th century, the planet had only 1billion human inhabitants. It is estimated that by next month there will be 7 billion people on Earth (which we have already attained this October), and by 2050 there will be 9 billion. “If every human being wished to live with the standards of American people, we would need seven Earths to support this amount of people. If every human being wanted to live in the same standards of a European, we would need three Earths to support all those people.”
With the growing population and developing countries emulating the path of developed countries in unsustainable and exploitative economic development, we will soon find ourselves in a situation where this planet is not enough for fulfilling our consumerist desires. Hence, how can we save the humanity and this earth from the greed and consumerism and ensure a balanced, sustainable and eco-friendly economic growth. This thought hounded me and resulted in the development of a new concept, ‘Recycling Earth'.
We have hitherto heard of waste management system by waste hierarchy of 3 R's namely, reduce-reuse-recycle (there also two additional R's that are incorporated recently like recover and rethink). The aim of this waste management hierarchy is to extract the maximum benefits from the used materials and reduce the amount of waste to minimal. As for recycling which is the third aspect, it is the process of converting used materials into new products to prevent the wastage potentially useful materials. These materials include paper, glass, plastic, metals, electronic...etc.
By the concept of ‘Recycling Earth' we can include the following three aspects:
1) Recycling land, water and air
2) Recycling Humanity
3) Recycling Economy
Being the only habitable planet in the universe, our earth, which is blessed with vast and varied landscapes and bio- diversities, should be protected in all respects to ensure the existence of the humanity and well-being of the future generation. Hence we have to preserve the land, air and oceans and prevent it from damage and pollution. Following are the brief details of how we can recycle land, water and air.
a) Land : Growing population, spreading urbanization, deforestation, industrialization, desertification, disposal of waste and unsustainable method of agriculture: have all negatively affected our land. Many of the islands and coastal areas are in the brink of disappearing due to rising sea levels and melting glaciers. The climate change has affected the carrying capacity of this planet and erosion and soil degradation are widespread. Taking into the consideration these factors, we have to find ways to recycle or reutilize the land that has been negatively affected and at the same time preserve the forests and other natural resources from extinction. We must also try to retrieve brownfield and superfund lands (these are terms used in US for unused and contaminated lands). Many new techniques have been developed to clean up the contaminated lands like soil vapour extraction, bioremediation, in situ oxidation and phytoremediation. However, further research and development is required to develop more sophisticated methods. Immediate actions must also be taken to save many islands from rising sea levels. Read More
Light Years: Solar Flares Won't Kill Earth
(CNN) The year 2012 is almost here. And so is the end of the world, if you believe myths about the Mayan calendar and certain science fiction movies and books. Solar flare activity is increasing and is expected to peak between 2012 and 2014 – around the time some believe the Mayan calendar ends. This has some people linking the flares to the End Times. But NASA scientists assure us that solar flares won’t destroy the Earth. “We have a very long record that shows that even the strongest flares can’t blow out the atmosphere,” said Antti Pulkkinen, a research scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. “There is really no way that even the largest disruption can end the world.” Read More
What would happen if an asteroid hit Earth?
According to the I AM America prophecies as the current Light of Awakening--a prophesied wave of Galactic Light--increases on earth, many cataclysmic geological changes may be suspended.~Lori
‘Getting closer. Ready to die? Just kidding.’ Luckily for us, it was. If its mock Twitter page is anything to go by, @AsteroidYU55 was ‘huge, sarcastic, bit scary, lonely and looking forward to striking Earth in November 2011’. Thankfully, the 400metre-wide asteroid only came within 325,000km (202,000 miles) of our planet. In the end, 2005 YU55, to give it its full name, hurtled past at 48,000kph (30,000mph), coming slightly closer than the Moon. Nasa keeps a running list of recent NEO ‘close approaches’ to Earth –YU55 was just one of four to pass near Earth on November 8 alone. It also has a ‘risk table’ of Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs) that could cause ‘potential future Earth impact events’ in the next 100 years. The current tally lists 374 asteroids. The man who discovered the asteroid six years ago says there was never any chance of it hitting us. Read More
Asteroid 2055 YU55 passes close by Earth; how close did it get? An asteroid the size of an aircraft carrier missed Earth by only 200,000 miles as it flew by Tuesday night — the closest an asteroid has been to Earth in 200 years...
Asteroid 2005 YU55 Meets Comet Elenin’s Debris Tail at Earth on November, 2011 Asteroid 2005 YU55 discovered December 28, 2005 by Robert McMillan of the Spacewatch Program near Tucson Arizona is expected to cross between the orbit of moon and the earth, passing the earth by only 204.502 miles at around the exact same time the...
‘Getting closer. Ready to die? Just kidding.’ Luckily for us, it was. If its mock Twitter page is anything to go by, @AsteroidYU55 was ‘huge, sarcastic, bit scary, lonely and looking forward to striking Earth in November 2011’. Thankfully, the 400metre-wide asteroid only came within 325,000km (202,000 miles) of our planet. In the end, 2005 YU55, to give it its full name, hurtled past at 48,000kph (30,000mph), coming slightly closer than the Moon. Nasa keeps a running list of recent NEO ‘close approaches’ to Earth –YU55 was just one of four to pass near Earth on November 8 alone. It also has a ‘risk table’ of Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs) that could cause ‘potential future Earth impact events’ in the next 100 years. The current tally lists 374 asteroids. The man who discovered the asteroid six years ago says there was never any chance of it hitting us. Read More
Asteroid 2055 YU55 passes close by Earth; how close did it get? An asteroid the size of an aircraft carrier missed Earth by only 200,000 miles as it flew by Tuesday night — the closest an asteroid has been to Earth in 200 years...
Asteroid 2005 YU55 Meets Comet Elenin’s Debris Tail at Earth on November, 2011 Asteroid 2005 YU55 discovered December 28, 2005 by Robert McMillan of the Spacewatch Program near Tucson Arizona is expected to cross between the orbit of moon and the earth, passing the earth by only 204.502 miles at around the exact same time the...
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Wolf: The people versus the police
We May Be Witnessing the First Large Global Conflict Where People Are Aligned by Consciousness and Not Nation State or Religion
"They're fighting a "corporatocracy" that has bought governments, created armed enforcers, engaged in systemic economic fraud, and plundered treasuries and ecosystems."
by Naomi Wolf
America 's politicians, it seems, have had their fill of democracy. Across the country, police, acting under orders from local officials, are breaking up protest encampments set up by supporters of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement - sometimes with shocking and utterly gratuitous violence.
In the worst incident so far, hundreds of police, dressed in riot gear, surrounded Occupy Oakland's encampment and fired rubber bullets (which can be fatal), flash grenades and tear-gas canisters - with some officers taking aim directly at demonstrators. The Occupy Oakland Twitter feed read like a report from Cairo 's Tahrir Square : "they are surrounding us"; "hundreds and hundreds of police"; "there are armoured vehicles and Hummers". There were 170 arrests.
My own recent arrest, while obeying the terms of a permit and standing peacefully on a street in lower Manhattan , brought the reality of this crackdown close to home. America is waking up to what was built while it slept: Private companies have hired away its police (JPMorgan Chase gave $4.6m to the New York City Police Foundation); the federal Department of Homeland Security has given small municipal police forces military-grade weapons systems; citizens' rights to freedom of speech and assembly have been stealthily undermined by opaque permit requirements.
Suddenly, the United States looks like the rest of the furious, protesting, not-completely-free world. Indeed, most commentators have not fully grasped that a world war is occurring. But it is unlike any previous war in human history: for the first time, people around the world are not identifying and organising themselves along national or religious lines, but rather in terms of a global consciousness and demands for a peaceful life, a sustainable future, economic justice and basic democracy. Their enemy is a global "corporatocracy" that has purchased governments and legislatures, created its own armed enforcers, engaged in systemic economic fraud, and plundered treasuries and ecosystems.
Around the world, peaceful protesters are being demonised for being disruptive. But democracy is disruptive. Martin Luther King, Jr argued that peaceful disruption of "business as usual" is healthy, because it exposes buried injustice, which can then be addressed. Protesters ideally should dedicate themselves to disciplined, nonviolent disruption in this spirit - especially disruption of traffic. This serves to keep provocateurs at bay, while highlighting the unjust militarisation of the police response.
Moreover, protest movements do not succeed in hours or days; they typically involve sitting down or "occupying" areas for the long hauls. That is one reason why protesters should raise their own money and hire their own lawyers. The corporatocracy is terrified that citizens will reclaim the rule of law. In every country, protesters should field an army of attorneys.
Protesters should also make their own media, rather than relying on mainstream outlets to cover them. They should blog, tweet, write editorials and press releases, as well as log and document cases of police abuse (and the abusers).
There are, unfortunately, many documented cases of violent provocateurs infiltrating demonstrations in places like Toronto , Pittsburgh , London and Athens - people whom one Greek described to me as "known unknowns". Provocateurs, too, need to be photographed and logged, which is why it is important not to cover one's face while protesting.
Protesters in democracies should create email lists locally, combine the lists nationally and start registering voters. They should tell their representatives how many voters they have registered in each district - and they should organise to oust politicians who are brutal or repressive. And they should support those - as in Albany , New York , for instance, where police and the local prosecutor refused to crack down on protesters - who respect the rights to free speech and assembly. Read More
Project Syndicate
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Anchoring the New Cosmic Grid
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"Galactic Brotherhood of light, imprint the web of unity and compassion tonight!" |
[Note: The Mayan Underworld Cycle of darkness is over, and ended Friday, October 28th. Now the earth enters a period of Light and Ascension, as prophesied in the I AM America Material. This article documents the birth of the new Grids of Light and the entrance of the Violet Ray of Mercy and Compassion. ~Lori]
On October 28th 2011, four masters performed end rites and birth rites at Four Corners, to usher a new age of creation and a new cosmic imprint. We received help from all the cosmic watchers, who blessed the ceremony, aiding us along the way and helping us to anchor the new energy to the Earth as the Earth began its ascent beyond three-dimensional reality.
We anchored the web of light, replacing the imprint of the Mayan Oxlahunkin underworld, the final cycle of an evolutionary tree of life that has been driving our planet Earth for millions of years. We ushered in a new cosmic birth cycle that is propelling the planet into a new energy spectrum.
We petitioned the great cosmic mother and father to dispense instant karma so that those evil warlords, who have ruled and decimated the planet during the long patriarchal underworld cycle, would be destroyed by their own treacherous acts and words. We banished the dark shadow forces of Orion, and heralded the new Quetzalcoatl energy of redemption.
We invoked the winds of Aquarius so that they would slash through the ages and unwind the spiral of darkness created by the shadow warlords. We invoked fire and water to cease the disorder, bleakness, and starkness that’s plagued the planet and its inhabitants. We witnessed the burning away of the perpetrators’ dark souls to remove the source of all Earthly blight and make way for the new Christ light.
We watched as the cosmic forces destroyed the dark forces forcing them to confront their own shadow demons. We saw the burning of the powers behind the world financial collapse and global greed, political and religious terrorism, environmental degradation and destruction, and finally imperialism, slavery, and one-world governmental control.
We purged Mother Earth, to prepare her for the purple ray of ascension. We chanted as the new galactic matrix imprinted itself into the veins of Mother Earth, purging the planetary destroyers. We anchored the new cosmic net to the ascending Earth with the help of the galactic brotherhood of light, and imprinted the web of unity and compassion to the Earth through our bodies, using our legs to root the new light energy.
As ashes turned to ashes and dust to dust, we heralded Quetzalcoatl as he rose from the ashes to ascend the purple ray, ushering the new age of Christ consciousness. As the Earth moved through the eye of the cosmic needle, we welcomed the new cosmic grid as it imprinted the new matrix to Earth, bringing a new age of unity and peace to all disciples of the light. Then we completed the ceremony and celebrated the new kingdom of light.
We will continue to witness the planet sweeping itself clean over the next year. Many will rejoice in the evolving kingdom of light, while many will leave the planet because they will not be able to embody the new energy of light and unity. The Mayan Underworld cycle has come to an end. The Mayan Long Count calendar is moving into its final year as well. The only constant through it all will be radical change.
In Lakech, Dawn
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
APNewsbreak: Global warming worsens weather extremes, international climate panel will say
"The report from the Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change will be issued in a few weeks, after a meeting in Uganda. It says there is at least a 2-in-3 probability that climate extremes have already worsened because of man-made greenhouse gases."
WASHINGTON — Freakish weather disasters — from the sudden October snowstorm in the Northeast U.S. to the record floods in Thailand — are striking more often. And global warming is likely to spawn more similar weather extremes at a huge cost, says a draft summary of an international climate report obtained by The Associated Press. The final draft of the report from a panel of the world’s top climate scientists paints a wild future for a world already weary of weather catastrophes costing billions of dollars. The report says costs will rise and perhaps some locations will become “increasingly marginal as places to live.” Read More
IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
The Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) is now underway. It will consist of three Working Group (WG) Reports and a Synthesis Report, to be completed in 2013/2014:
WG I: The Physical Science Basis - mid September 2013
WG II: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability - mid March 2014
WG III: Mitigation of Climate Change - early April 2014
AR5 Synthesis Report (SYR) - October 2014
The AR5 will provide an update of knowledge on the scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of climate change. Information about the outline and other content to be addressed can be found in the AR5 reference document and SYR Scoping document. More than 800 authors, selected from around 3000 nominations, are involved in writing the reports. First Lead Authors meetings have been held. For the schedule of AR5 related meetings, review periods, and other important dates, please refer to the calendar.
WASHINGTON — Freakish weather disasters — from the sudden October snowstorm in the Northeast U.S. to the record floods in Thailand — are striking more often. And global warming is likely to spawn more similar weather extremes at a huge cost, says a draft summary of an international climate report obtained by The Associated Press. The final draft of the report from a panel of the world’s top climate scientists paints a wild future for a world already weary of weather catastrophes costing billions of dollars. The report says costs will rise and perhaps some locations will become “increasingly marginal as places to live.” Read More
IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
"More than 800 authors, selected from around 3000 nominations,
are involved in writing the reports."
The Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) is now underway. It will consist of three Working Group (WG) Reports and a Synthesis Report, to be completed in 2013/2014:
WG I: The Physical Science Basis - mid September 2013
WG II: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability - mid March 2014
WG III: Mitigation of Climate Change - early April 2014
AR5 Synthesis Report (SYR) - October 2014
The AR5 will provide an update of knowledge on the scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of climate change. Information about the outline and other content to be addressed can be found in the AR5 reference document and SYR Scoping document. More than 800 authors, selected from around 3000 nominations, are involved in writing the reports. First Lead Authors meetings have been held. For the schedule of AR5 related meetings, review periods, and other important dates, please refer to the calendar.
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IPCC Workshop on Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Marine Biology and Ecosystems |
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IPCC Workshop on Sea Level Rise and Ice Sheet Instabilities |
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Monday, October 31, 2011
Historic October Northeast storm: Epic. Incredible. Downright ridiculous.
By Andrew Freedman
Perhaps no combination of superlatives could do justice to the historic snowstorm that delivered a crippling wallop to parts of the mid-Atlantic and Northeast over the weekend. Widely referred to by its social media moniker, “Snowtober,” the storm smashed records that had stood since the beginning of the reliable instrument record in the late 1800s (and in some cases, even longer than that), and upended assumptions about what a fall nor’easter can do. The heavy, wet snow pasted onto trees still bearing foliage in many areas and weighed down power lines, knocking out power to at least three million people in the region.
The paralyzing storm overturned generations of commonly held wisdom that held that the first big snows don’t normally come before Thanksgiving for most areas, certainly not prior to Halloween. Late last week, as computer models began to lock onto a snowy forecast scenario, many meteorologists (including those of us at CWG) struggled with believing what the computers were projecting, given its unprecedented nature.
Coming in the midst of what is already one of the most extreme years in American weather history, the Snowtober event had a greater impact in some states than August’s much-hyped Tropical Storm Irene. It was the snowstorm, not Irene, which caused the largest power outage in Connecticut history, for example.
To put the storm into its proper meteorological context, consider these snowy facts. The storm brought thundersnow to New York City shortly past lunchtime on Saturday, October 29, before the city had even recorded its first freeze. Central Park received 2.9 inches of snow, with up to six inches falling in the Bronx. This was the only time in recorded history that an inch or more of snow has fallen in Central Park during the month of October. The combination of the heavy, wet snow and high winds damaged or destroyed hundreds of trees in the city. The New York Times reported that up to a thousand trees in Central Park could be lost due to storm-related damage. Read More
(Rolling Stone) Wingnut Watch: October Snow Ends Climate Change Debate It's snowing in October – so, sorry, that pretty much sews up the case against climate change. How could the planet be warming if it's getting colder? Thus, the logic of Fox News Eric Bolling, who tweeted ...
Perhaps no combination of superlatives could do justice to the historic snowstorm that delivered a crippling wallop to parts of the mid-Atlantic and Northeast over the weekend. Widely referred to by its social media moniker, “Snowtober,” the storm smashed records that had stood since the beginning of the reliable instrument record in the late 1800s (and in some cases, even longer than that), and upended assumptions about what a fall nor’easter can do. The heavy, wet snow pasted onto trees still bearing foliage in many areas and weighed down power lines, knocking out power to at least three million people in the region.
The paralyzing storm overturned generations of commonly held wisdom that held that the first big snows don’t normally come before Thanksgiving for most areas, certainly not prior to Halloween. Late last week, as computer models began to lock onto a snowy forecast scenario, many meteorologists (including those of us at CWG) struggled with believing what the computers were projecting, given its unprecedented nature.
Coming in the midst of what is already one of the most extreme years in American weather history, the Snowtober event had a greater impact in some states than August’s much-hyped Tropical Storm Irene. It was the snowstorm, not Irene, which caused the largest power outage in Connecticut history, for example.
To put the storm into its proper meteorological context, consider these snowy facts. The storm brought thundersnow to New York City shortly past lunchtime on Saturday, October 29, before the city had even recorded its first freeze. Central Park received 2.9 inches of snow, with up to six inches falling in the Bronx. This was the only time in recorded history that an inch or more of snow has fallen in Central Park during the month of October. The combination of the heavy, wet snow and high winds damaged or destroyed hundreds of trees in the city. The New York Times reported that up to a thousand trees in Central Park could be lost due to storm-related damage. Read More
(Rolling Stone) Wingnut Watch: October Snow Ends Climate Change Debate It's snowing in October – so, sorry, that pretty much sews up the case against climate change. How could the planet be warming if it's getting colder? Thus, the logic of Fox News Eric Bolling, who tweeted ...
Skeptic’s own study finds climate change real, but says scientists should be more critical
from the Washington Post-A prominent physicist and skeptic of global warming spent two years trying to find out if mainstream climate scientists were wrong. In the end, he determined they were right: Temperatures really are rising rapidly. The study of the world’s surface temperatures by Richard Muller was partially bankrolled by a foundation connected to global warming deniers. He pursued long-held skeptic theories in analyzing the data. He was spurred to action because of “Climategate,” a British scandal involving hacked emails of scientists. Yet he found that the land is 1.6 degrees warmer than in the 1950s. Those numbers from Muller, who works at the University of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, match those by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and NASA. Read More
'Doomsday' Comet Elenin Zips by Earth in Pieces
We can all breathe a sigh of relief: The so-called "doomsday comet" Elenin made its closest flyby of Earth Sunday (Oct. 16), and no cataclysms ensued. Some skywatching soothsayers had predicted that Elenin's approach Sunday would trigger catastrophic earthquakes and tsunamis. Others had sounded even more dire alarms, suggesting that Elenin was not a comet at all but a rogue planet called Nibiru whose Earth encounter could usher in the apocalypse. But none of that came to pass, as Elenin zipped by our planet at the safe remove of 22 million miles (35.4 million kilometers) and sped off into deep space. Or crumbs of the comet did, anyway. [Gallery: Comet Elenin in Pictures]
Doomsday Comet Elenin Zips Past Dangerously Close to Earth You may have heard the news: Comet Elenin passed by Earth early Sunday morning. Comet Elenin (also known by its astronomical name C/2010 X1), was first detected on Dec. 10, 2010 by Leonid Elenin, an observer in Lyubertsy, Russia, who made the discovery "remotely" using the ISON-NM observatory near Mayhill, New Mexico...
Doomsday Comet Elenin Zips Past Dangerously Close to Earth You may have heard the news: Comet Elenin passed by Earth early Sunday morning. Comet Elenin (also known by its astronomical name C/2010 X1), was first detected on Dec. 10, 2010 by Leonid Elenin, an observer in Lyubertsy, Russia, who made the discovery "remotely" using the ISON-NM observatory near Mayhill, New Mexico...
Saturday, October 8, 2011
George Harrison: Living In The Material World
George Harrison: Living in the Material World by Roger Ebert “In my beginning is my end,” T.S. Eliot wrote. For George Harrison, raised in the working class in postwar Liverpool, one of those beginnings must have been his father's vegetable garden. Victory Gardens, they were called during and after the war, and my own father had one, too. All through his life, as money and fame came to him, he found pleasure seeking houses with gardens.
English country houses are known for their gardens, but many of their owners never got their hands dirty. George was obsessed by the physical act of gardening, working with his land every day that he could. When you garden, you imagine its effect for those who will see your garden — for future generations and strangers. It is a gift you give to the land and to others, and it shows love of beauty in a pure form." Read More
Are Humans Still Evolving?
A recent study suggests that humans aren't exempt from evolutionary pressures. Despite using culture and technology as ways of adapting to new environments, humans, like all other living things on Earth, undergo genetic changes as a response to conditions around them -- or in this case, favorable traits in their genes.
In other words, we're all still evolving.
Most discussion about our evolutionary history focuses on macroevolution, or changes occurring over long periods of time, including why our teeth are smaller when compared with our ancestors' and how our species may have interacted with Neanderthals.
NEWS: What's Punctuated Equilibrium?
Instead, the study's authors provide an example of microevolution, or changes tracked in a few generations. The team, led by Canadian researchers, studied the small island town of Ile aux Coudres, located in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence in Quebec.
Researchers looked at church records from 1799 to 1940, which provided detailed accounts of marriages, births and deaths. Because the vast majority of families have remained on the island with few newcomers arriving, it was possible to build extensive family trees from the demographic data. The team studied the age at which women are capable of giving birth, a trait that's heritable between generations. Read More
In other words, we're all still evolving.
Most discussion about our evolutionary history focuses on macroevolution, or changes occurring over long periods of time, including why our teeth are smaller when compared with our ancestors' and how our species may have interacted with Neanderthals.
NEWS: What's Punctuated Equilibrium?
Instead, the study's authors provide an example of microevolution, or changes tracked in a few generations. The team, led by Canadian researchers, studied the small island town of Ile aux Coudres, located in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence in Quebec.
Researchers looked at church records from 1799 to 1940, which provided detailed accounts of marriages, births and deaths. Because the vast majority of families have remained on the island with few newcomers arriving, it was possible to build extensive family trees from the demographic data. The team studied the age at which women are capable of giving birth, a trait that's heritable between generations. Read More
The record-breaking Arctic ozone “hole” and global warming
For years, polls have shown that many Americans have conflated two distinct atmospheric calamities – the destruction of the planet’s stratospheric ozone layer, and global warming. A 2010 poll by Yale University found that 21 percent of respondents believe the greenhouse effect refers to the ozone layer, rather than to gases in the atmosphere that trap heat, such as carbon dioxide.
Now comes a study that helps describe the possible relationship between the two in a way that will either confuse even more people, or clarify things for anyone who devotes some time to fully digesting the new information.
According to research published in the journal Nature this week, the largest ozone “hole” on record above the Arctic opened up last winter, exposing residents of the Far North to high doses of harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which can cause skin cancer and cataracts. The area of severe ozone loss extended southward from the Arctic to cover populated areas in northern Russia, Greenland and Norway.
At first glance, you might not find much to be out of the ordinary about that piece of news, since the ozone hole has been in our science textbooks for decades now. But note that I said, “Arctic,” and not “Antarctic.” Read More
Now comes a study that helps describe the possible relationship between the two in a way that will either confuse even more people, or clarify things for anyone who devotes some time to fully digesting the new information.
According to research published in the journal Nature this week, the largest ozone “hole” on record above the Arctic opened up last winter, exposing residents of the Far North to high doses of harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which can cause skin cancer and cataracts. The area of severe ozone loss extended southward from the Arctic to cover populated areas in northern Russia, Greenland and Norway.
At first glance, you might not find much to be out of the ordinary about that piece of news, since the ozone hole has been in our science textbooks for decades now. But note that I said, “Arctic,” and not “Antarctic.” Read More
Sunday, September 18, 2011
The Three Stages of Awakening
"The order of awakening is awareness, transformation, realization. Today we are having a hard time meeting the first of these—awareness. Because it seems increasingly hard in a relatively superficial, increasingly amoral, fickle and speed-driven culture to recognize, honor or even value such things as these. After all they are essentially invisible and practicing them doesn’t necessarily give you status in a materialistic world where prestige, acquisition and conformity are prized so highly."
by Richard Harvey
Deep inner change leads to personal transformation and spiritual awakening. It begins with personal therapy. Personal therapy may be an end in itself or a prelude for the life of authenticity, genuine relationship and engagement with others and the world. Personal therapy is connected to spiritual growth through this middle stage, which I call the transformation into authenticity.
Personal therapy can be completed. In the process of inner work there is a point where you feel a sense of completion or personal wholeness. This is the condition of embracing your so-called shadow side, which comprises all that you have denied or repressed, and stored in your deep unconscious. When you live with an acceptance of the shadow alongside your acceptance of your conscious self, you have embraced your whole self. This sense of completion is like a journey around the self. You have realized the wholeness of your personality and found the edges of your egoic limits.
So, beyond the usual parameters of personal therapy, a permanent transformation may come about, which is the flowering of inner work. This is the authentic self. Personal authenticity prepares the way for awakening by connecting us to the source of life or consciousness. Read More
by Richard Harvey
Deep inner change leads to personal transformation and spiritual awakening. It begins with personal therapy. Personal therapy may be an end in itself or a prelude for the life of authenticity, genuine relationship and engagement with others and the world. Personal therapy is connected to spiritual growth through this middle stage, which I call the transformation into authenticity.
Personal therapy can be completed. In the process of inner work there is a point where you feel a sense of completion or personal wholeness. This is the condition of embracing your so-called shadow side, which comprises all that you have denied or repressed, and stored in your deep unconscious. When you live with an acceptance of the shadow alongside your acceptance of your conscious self, you have embraced your whole self. This sense of completion is like a journey around the self. You have realized the wholeness of your personality and found the edges of your egoic limits.
So, beyond the usual parameters of personal therapy, a permanent transformation may come about, which is the flowering of inner work. This is the authentic self. Personal authenticity prepares the way for awakening by connecting us to the source of life or consciousness. Read More
Global Warming and Climate Change
The political debate continues; however, here are some recent articles which chronicle the change in Earth's ecosystems and weather patterns which mirror the I AM America material. ~Lori
Climate report links extreme weather events to global warming Heat waves, droughts, blizzards and the the rest of the year's U.S. record-breaking extreme weather, likely enjoyed a boost from global warming, suggests a climate report. Hurricane Irene this year pushed the U.S. yearly record for billion-dollar natural disasters to 10, smashing the 2008 record of nine. In the "Current Extreme Weather and Climate Change" report, released today by the Climate Communication scientific group, leading climate scientists outlined how increasing global atmospheric temperatures and other climate change effects -- triggered by industrial emissions of greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide and methane -- are loading the dice for the sort of extreme weather seen this year...
Global warming brings exotic fish to British waters but at a cost Global warming is leading to "profound" population changes in most common fish species in waters off the UK, according to the first "big picture" study of rising sea temperatures. Around three-quarters of the species affected have grown in numbers, the government-funded study claims. While cold water-loving species such as cod and haddock fare badly, those that can do well in warmer conditions including hake, dab and red mullet are thriving...
Climate change threatens California beaches: study Global warming could cost California beach communities hundreds of million dollars due to lost tourism and other income earned on the famously surfer-friendly coastline, a new study said. Storm damage and erosion will narrow beaches over the next century, cutting facilities for tourists and wildlife, said the report which looked at five coastal communities including Venice beach and Malibu...
AND, last, but not least: Va. Court Rules That Insurance Doesn't Cover Global Warming Claims A state appeals court ruled today in the first case of its type that an insurance company does not have to foot the bill for a company facing damages over climate change...
Climate report links extreme weather events to global warming Heat waves, droughts, blizzards and the the rest of the year's U.S. record-breaking extreme weather, likely enjoyed a boost from global warming, suggests a climate report. Hurricane Irene this year pushed the U.S. yearly record for billion-dollar natural disasters to 10, smashing the 2008 record of nine. In the "Current Extreme Weather and Climate Change" report, released today by the Climate Communication scientific group, leading climate scientists outlined how increasing global atmospheric temperatures and other climate change effects -- triggered by industrial emissions of greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide and methane -- are loading the dice for the sort of extreme weather seen this year...
Global warming brings exotic fish to British waters but at a cost Global warming is leading to "profound" population changes in most common fish species in waters off the UK, according to the first "big picture" study of rising sea temperatures. Around three-quarters of the species affected have grown in numbers, the government-funded study claims. While cold water-loving species such as cod and haddock fare badly, those that can do well in warmer conditions including hake, dab and red mullet are thriving...
Climate change threatens California beaches: study Global warming could cost California beach communities hundreds of million dollars due to lost tourism and other income earned on the famously surfer-friendly coastline, a new study said. Storm damage and erosion will narrow beaches over the next century, cutting facilities for tourists and wildlife, said the report which looked at five coastal communities including Venice beach and Malibu...
AND, last, but not least: Va. Court Rules That Insurance Doesn't Cover Global Warming Claims A state appeals court ruled today in the first case of its type that an insurance company does not have to foot the bill for a company facing damages over climate change...
Joseph Chilton Pearce: The Biology of Transcendence
This is a terrific interview and explains the link between biology and the Ascension Process. Enjoy! ~ Lori
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
A ‘no-growth’ boom will follow 2012 global crash
By Paul B. Farrell, MarketWatch
SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. (MarketWatch) — There is a global economic boom coming, but unfortunately, that boom comes only after a systemic collapse of the global economy, markets and capitalism — a collapse that may well eliminate billions of people from the planet. Shocking? Cruel? Brutal? Yes.
But folks, that is the coded message in many recent warnings from environmental economists who finally realize that nothing will wake up the public. Nothing but a catastrophic system failure. Only then, a path to reform, recovery, a new boom.
But wait, you ask: If the consequences are worse than an asteroid slamming into Earth, why don’t we just plan ahead? Avoid the Black Swan? Why wait for some “creative destruction” to wipe out capitalism, reduce the global population to 5 billion? Why? Because our human genes are not good at planning ahead for catastrophes. Our brains are designed for fight-or-flight. Otherwise we procrastinate. We respond best when our backs are against the wall. Then we rally the troops, go to war, so to speak.
Until we reach that point, we focus on everyday stuff, like jobs, the kids, short-term buy-sells and ideological stuff like today’s anti-science, anti-intellectual political rhetoric. Free-market capitalism. Don’t tread on me. Stuff like that keeps us in denial about the future. No, we don’t plan, don’t act until a crisis. Not till the asteroid is about to hit. Even then, we pray for divine intervention to rescue us. Or a Churchill to emerge, take charge of the impossible challenge, get people energized and focused on a common cause. Then we’ll charge ahead, solve the problem. Until then, our brains can only think short-term. More
SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. (MarketWatch) — There is a global economic boom coming, but unfortunately, that boom comes only after a systemic collapse of the global economy, markets and capitalism — a collapse that may well eliminate billions of people from the planet. Shocking? Cruel? Brutal? Yes.
But folks, that is the coded message in many recent warnings from environmental economists who finally realize that nothing will wake up the public. Nothing but a catastrophic system failure. Only then, a path to reform, recovery, a new boom.
But wait, you ask: If the consequences are worse than an asteroid slamming into Earth, why don’t we just plan ahead? Avoid the Black Swan? Why wait for some “creative destruction” to wipe out capitalism, reduce the global population to 5 billion? Why? Because our human genes are not good at planning ahead for catastrophes. Our brains are designed for fight-or-flight. Otherwise we procrastinate. We respond best when our backs are against the wall. Then we rally the troops, go to war, so to speak.
Until we reach that point, we focus on everyday stuff, like jobs, the kids, short-term buy-sells and ideological stuff like today’s anti-science, anti-intellectual political rhetoric. Free-market capitalism. Don’t tread on me. Stuff like that keeps us in denial about the future. No, we don’t plan, don’t act until a crisis. Not till the asteroid is about to hit. Even then, we pray for divine intervention to rescue us. Or a Churchill to emerge, take charge of the impossible challenge, get people energized and focused on a common cause. Then we’ll charge ahead, solve the problem. Until then, our brains can only think short-term. More
Climate change consequences poles apart
PENN STATE (US) — Climate change induced warming affects ice and frozen ground at both the North and South poles, but the ramifications differ because of geography and geology.
“The polar regions, particularly the Arctic, are warming faster than the rest of the world,” says Michael Gooseff, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering at Penn State. “As a consequence, polar ecosystems respond directly to changes in the earth systems at the poles.”
Though different, the changes could be significant—not only on lcal environments but globally as well.
While the central part of the Arctic is composed of ice over water, northern Canada, Alaska, Siberia, and Greenland all have landmasses within the Arctic Circle. The associated land and water ecosystems are affected by melting ice and thawing soils, but in Antarctica, where much of the ice overlays a continent, the warming alters streams, lakes, and the tiny plants and animals that live there.
“Our focus on the north is in part because it is inhabited, but it is also because the ice there is more vulnerable,” Gooseff says. “Temperatures and snow and rain across the tundra shifts annually and seasonally. We know that fall is beginning later than it once did.” More
“The polar regions, particularly the Arctic, are warming faster than the rest of the world,” says Michael Gooseff, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering at Penn State. “As a consequence, polar ecosystems respond directly to changes in the earth systems at the poles.”
Though different, the changes could be significant—not only on lcal environments but globally as well.
While the central part of the Arctic is composed of ice over water, northern Canada, Alaska, Siberia, and Greenland all have landmasses within the Arctic Circle. The associated land and water ecosystems are affected by melting ice and thawing soils, but in Antarctica, where much of the ice overlays a continent, the warming alters streams, lakes, and the tiny plants and animals that live there.
“Our focus on the north is in part because it is inhabited, but it is also because the ice there is more vulnerable,” Gooseff says. “Temperatures and snow and rain across the tundra shifts annually and seasonally. We know that fall is beginning later than it once did.” More
Deadly Floods in Vermont
(Time)-In the wake of Tropical Storm Irene heavy flooding inundated Vermont's central and southern villages and took down infrastructures. The state was unprepared, as it had not seen such floods since the 1900s.
As the tropical storm deluged the landlocked villages in Vermont, hundreds of residents evacuated their homes. The storm turned streets into running streams, destroyed more than a dozen bridges including three historic ones, and killed at least two people. The state hospital in Waterbury was also evacuated. Its staff and 51 patients were placed in facilities in nearby towns. Below, watch a bridge over the Ottauquechee River feel Irene's wrath. More
As the tropical storm deluged the landlocked villages in Vermont, hundreds of residents evacuated their homes. The storm turned streets into running streams, destroyed more than a dozen bridges including three historic ones, and killed at least two people. The state hospital in Waterbury was also evacuated. Its staff and 51 patients were placed in facilities in nearby towns. Below, watch a bridge over the Ottauquechee River feel Irene's wrath. More
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Amazing Basalt: Benefits of Basalt and Volcanic Ash
This is a research article from our friend Kathleen Smith regarding the versatility and sustainability of basalt. Amazing information!--Lori
by Kathleen Smith
Basalt is an igneous rock that forms from the relatively rapid solidification of basaltic lavas and is one of the most common types of rock in the world. Minerals and trace elements in the ash cloud are extremely beneficial for the planet. The rocks themselves have the basic elements for life including carbon, phosphorous and nitrogen, only requiring water to complete the formula. It is high in silicates, iron, and magnesium.
The fertility of some of the world's richest and most productive farmland is due to the minerals produced by nearby volcanoes.
Basalt and volcanic ash can be used for healing the physical body, remediation of toxic waste, nontoxic ‘enlivened cements’, healing building materials, radiation shielding, etc.
The crystalline structures within basalt can be used for communicators/capacitors. The light emitting from the structures are an avenue for many 'out of the box’ developments - and the microbes within have a world all their own.
Volcanic ash has 'anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti yeast and overall disinfectant qualities. It is high in sulphur, an active ingredient which not only helps the body to resist bacteria but actually destroys it. It disinfects the blood, stimulates bile secretion, aids the oxidation reaction in the body, and protects the protoplasm of cells for the synthesis of collagen'. Volcanic ash can provide a multitude of health and beauty benefits.
Basalt fibers spun from basalt rock are used as a fireproof textile in the aerospace and automotive industry and as a composite such as tripods.
Fire resistant, high structural strength, non toxic, etc.
It has been estimated that 12% of the ozone and CO2 problems in the world are related to production of Portland cement.
Restores micro flora in the soil and re balances soil pH, etc. Volcanic soils are some of the richest on earth
Microorganisms living in the pores and crevices of dry basalt rock are able to reduce a toxic form of chromium, etc.
Technologies/processes that create mineral rich water from basalt
7. Zeolite - family of hydrous silicate live in the cavities of basalt
Zeolites can restore alkaline pH, detoxify heavy metals, clean up radioactivity at nuclear waste dumps and absorb huge amounts of gas. It would be an excellent rock powder to incorporate into manure piles to soak up ammonia.
Dr. Phil Callahan believed the crushing and grinding forces of the drifting continents caused great quantities of cosmic energy to be trapped within the minerals that make up stone and clay. One of the energies is the force called paramagnetism, which he says the ancients knew how to manipulate. Basalt is paramagnetic (exhibits paramagnetism) a form of magnetism that occurs only in the presence of an externally applied magnetic field.
The pre-Aztec Pyramid of the Sun outside of New Mexico, is built from volcanic rock and is highly paramagnetic. The Rosetta Stone was made of black basalt.
Basalts are the most productive aquifers of all volcanic rock types.
Rudolph Steiner believed there is rock powders that will pass on the subtle energies received from the cosmic bodies.
Transforming, innovative industries could be developed around volcanic ash and basalt rock.
To The Unfoldment: Kathleen Smith wrote this paper after the 2010 eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull suggesting that many industries can be developed around volcanic ash following an eruption. She is an international networker/researcher who is involved in the development of centers/cities of light – sustainable communities – technologies – transformational healing – ancient architecture.
From Chernobyl to Japan: Treating Radiation Sickness with Rock Dust - Remineralize the Earth
Volcanic Ash Clay - Naturally Detoxify Your Skin
Volcanic ash may have helped ancient Roman complex to survive 3 quakes
Ultra high strength cement based materials by Densit - Densit® Cast Basalt
The Riddle of Ancient Roman Concrete, David Moore, PE
Basalt Fiber: Windgate Energy
Basaltec Ltée®: Basaltec Ltée is a natural basalt rock dust production company
Health Benefits of Volcanic Ash - What Are The Facts? - Natural Island Skin Care
by Kathleen Smith
Basalt is an igneous rock that forms from the relatively rapid solidification of basaltic lavas and is one of the most common types of rock in the world. Minerals and trace elements in the ash cloud are extremely beneficial for the planet. The rocks themselves have the basic elements for life including carbon, phosphorous and nitrogen, only requiring water to complete the formula. It is high in silicates, iron, and magnesium.
The fertility of some of the world's richest and most productive farmland is due to the minerals produced by nearby volcanoes.
Basalt and volcanic ash can be used for healing the physical body, remediation of toxic waste, nontoxic ‘enlivened cements’, healing building materials, radiation shielding, etc.
The crystalline structures within basalt can be used for communicators/capacitors. The light emitting from the structures are an avenue for many 'out of the box’ developments - and the microbes within have a world all their own.
Volcanic ash has 'anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti yeast and overall disinfectant qualities. It is high in sulphur, an active ingredient which not only helps the body to resist bacteria but actually destroys it. It disinfects the blood, stimulates bile secretion, aids the oxidation reaction in the body, and protects the protoplasm of cells for the synthesis of collagen'. Volcanic ash can provide a multitude of health and beauty benefits.
Basalt fibers spun from basalt rock are used as a fireproof textile in the aerospace and automotive industry and as a composite such as tripods.
Fire resistant, high structural strength, non toxic, etc.
It has been estimated that 12% of the ozone and CO2 problems in the world are related to production of Portland cement.
Restores micro flora in the soil and re balances soil pH, etc. Volcanic soils are some of the richest on earth
Microorganisms living in the pores and crevices of dry basalt rock are able to reduce a toxic form of chromium, etc.
Technologies/processes that create mineral rich water from basalt
7. Zeolite - family of hydrous silicate live in the cavities of basalt
Zeolites can restore alkaline pH, detoxify heavy metals, clean up radioactivity at nuclear waste dumps and absorb huge amounts of gas. It would be an excellent rock powder to incorporate into manure piles to soak up ammonia.
Dr. Phil Callahan believed the crushing and grinding forces of the drifting continents caused great quantities of cosmic energy to be trapped within the minerals that make up stone and clay. One of the energies is the force called paramagnetism, which he says the ancients knew how to manipulate. Basalt is paramagnetic (exhibits paramagnetism) a form of magnetism that occurs only in the presence of an externally applied magnetic field.
The pre-Aztec Pyramid of the Sun outside of New Mexico, is built from volcanic rock and is highly paramagnetic. The Rosetta Stone was made of black basalt.
Basalts are the most productive aquifers of all volcanic rock types.
Rudolph Steiner believed there is rock powders that will pass on the subtle energies received from the cosmic bodies.
Transforming, innovative industries could be developed around volcanic ash and basalt rock.
To The Unfoldment: Kathleen Smith wrote this paper after the 2010 eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull suggesting that many industries can be developed around volcanic ash following an eruption. She is an international networker/researcher who is involved in the development of centers/cities of light – sustainable communities – technologies – transformational healing – ancient architecture.
From Chernobyl to Japan: Treating Radiation Sickness with Rock Dust - Remineralize the Earth
Volcanic Ash Clay - Naturally Detoxify Your Skin
Volcanic ash may have helped ancient Roman complex to survive 3 quakes
Ultra high strength cement based materials by Densit - Densit® Cast Basalt
The Riddle of Ancient Roman Concrete, David Moore, PE
Basalt Fiber: Windgate Energy
Basaltec Ltée®: Basaltec Ltée is a natural basalt rock dust production company
Health Benefits of Volcanic Ash - What Are The Facts? - Natural Island Skin Care
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Lighting the Grid
Lei-lines are the circuitry of the earth. This natural infrastructure covers the entire globe and the linear currents of energy contain both electrical and magnetic points that comprise the world’s grid. The idea of a grid of energy encircling the world is nothing new. The ancient spiritual arts of Indian Vastu Vidya and Classical Chinese Feng Shui aptly harness the energies of the earth with scientific precision. However, Buckminster “Bucky” Fuller was perhaps one of the first contemporary visual pioneers of a geodesic world grid—the Dymaxion Map—his cuboctahedron depiction of Spaceship Earth.
The planetary grid of luminous, life-giving energy is akin to our earth held ever so delicately in the Creator’s palms. One hand presents the intricate science of Ivan Sanderson’s system of successive superimposed Platonic Solids, and this creates the earth’s energy field—an icosahedron; or the Russian team of Goncharov, Morozov, and Makarov who theorize the grid’s infrastructure is linked to the Great Pyramid at Giza. These theories were later examined by Bill Becker and Beth Hagen who attribute anomalies like the Bermuda Triangle and the Devil’s Sea to Vile Vortices.1 The second hand of the Creator cradles the golden grid with a sublime reverence for life, with overlays of inner-connectivity between dimensions, the potential for spiritual growth, and the consciousness of the ONE. The Golden City Vortex system—prophesied in the I AM America material—likely draws its paradigm from the later, but as the calendar moves forward to 2012, and as we experience continued Time Compaction, it is probable both scenarios exist side-by-side.
Golden City Vortices are formed at the convergence of eight lei-lines, a grid prophesied to appear on earth at the same time of world-wide Earth Change. This grid is claimed to be a new spiritual framework, and assists the Spiritual Awakening of humanity, while stepping-down energies from the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Dimension. It is also prophesied that our use of the Golden Cities assists the process of transcendence, and the Cities of Spiritual Light, with their earthly lei-lines, magnificent power-points, and sacred energies are templates to usher human consciousness into Global Ascension.
I have intentionally lived in a Golden City since 1991; however, since the Master Teachers prophesied their structure and presence several years prior, I immediately began to explore their beauty and essence. So far I’ve visited six Cities: the five Golden Cities of the United States, and one in Canada. Each is distinctive and unique as Master Kuthumi declares, “Like flowers in a garden.” Every Golden City is layered in magnificent spiritual dimension and as diverse in subtle energies as their people, cultures, flora, fauna, and geography.
No doubt, I know Gobean best. When I first moved to the Golden City of the Southwest United States I was impressed with the sky, as blue as its Ray; and at night its full expanse lit the stars of the Milky Way. We soon found ourselves on numerous Vortex road-trips. Our journeys would begin on Highway 60 heading east on the Colorado Plateau to New Mexico through the four doorways, the sacred four directions; and onward to discover initiatory encounters with the playful, yet challenging Adjutant Points which disperse the Vortex’s finer energies. Many Vortex drives were serene day-trips to the Star—the Vortex’s center, which is considered the City’s critical point, and locations where spiritual change and collective consciousness is leveraged. The Master Teachers gave us this prayer: “Mighty I Am Presence come forward and let me serve the cause divine of the Spiritual Hierarchy—the Great White Brotherhood and Sisterhood of breath, sound, and light. I now call forth my perfect service in alignment to the divine plan!”
Sometimes after the prayer I’d pick up a small rock from the location; a reminder of my inner journey.
It is claimed that rocks, especially quartz crystal, can hold and emit spiritual energies. Recent study now finds that basalt is perhaps one of the finest capacitors. Some researchers claim this may explain why the Rosetta Stone and the great megaliths at Stonehenge are literally basalt-rock.2 A friend of mine, a healer and a shaman, buried one-hundred quartz crystals in the snow-covered lands of her remote homestead in Alaska to, “Cleanse and heal the earth.” And during our road-trips to Golden City Adjutant Points we collected almost a ton of various rocks, and later whispered individual prayers into each one. We then scattered them over our three-hundred acre project, Wenima. So it was no surprise when one of our I AM America study-group leaders approached us with her request for crystal carriers to several Golden City Vortices, Shalahah (Idaho-Montana) and Klehma (Colorado). Elaine, like so many today, feels the urgency of the times, and is not a newcomer to Vortex energies and lives in the Golden City of Malton. She wrote, “I believe I can work with these crystals remotely when needed and I know the center of Klehma, having camped there for almost a week last year.”
I posted her request on this blog, and one connection led to another. In just a matter of days Crystal Couriers for both Shalahah and Klehma were in place: Alice and Jodi at the Star of Shalahah (near Lolo Pass, Montana); and Gayle and Kathleen at the Star of Klehma (near Cope, Colorado).
Here are excerpts from their emails which chronicle their Vortex experiences.
From Alice:
“Jodi and I headed up to Lolo to go to the meadow that Jodi had been to just a week ago and she told me the area felt really strong to her…we noticed that the clouds seemed to be gathering. Jodi and I both mentioned how we felt like something drawing us further up the pass…I then saw the sign that marked the passing of Lewis and Clark in the area so many years ago.
We got out of the car and started walking towards some trees since we both felt compelled to walk that direction. I could feel the energy so strongly I almost had trouble walking…As I held the crystal I could feel it vibrating and it felt warm in my hand and I gave it to Jodi so she could feel it as well. We felt that the crystal was singing!”
The day after the experience Alice wrote, “I went to Gem Mountain today and I noticed as we drove by Highway 12 (the route to Lolo Pass) I knew I could feel the vibrations of the crystal and it was buried up at the pass about twenty-five miles away!”
From Gayle:
“We drove and drove to find an area that felt right, one that would be safe and where the crystal wanted to be placed. We decided to go to Joes, Colorado which is five miles from Cope. The area felt positive and it was as though we were being led right to the area that the crystal wanted to be placed.”
Throughout the years of sharing the I AM America material, many have written us regarding their activation experiences in Golden City Vortices. Below is additional information from Points of Perception for anyone interested in the varied techniques of Golden City activation. And don’t forget, we have Crystal Couriers available for service in the Golden Cities of Gobean, Malton, and Wahanee if you are called within to help Light the Grid!
[For more information:]
Golden City Activation:
A full comprehension of the word “activate” is key to understanding this spiritual phenomenon. The following dictionary definitions describe its usage: “to make active;” “to make more active;” “to hasten reactions by various means”; and “to place in active status.” So, the term Golden City Activation includes several meanings and applications to illustrate the four types of Golden City activations.
1. Ascended Master Activation: Made Active
The Spiritual Hierarchy first conceptualized the idea of the Golden Cities by the perfect out-picturing of these spiritual centers. Certain Master Teachers, Archangels, and Elohim—in cooperation with Mother Earth Babajeran—sponsor specific Golden Cities. Their task: to gather the energies of each divine municipality. The grid structure of earth—in tandem with the focus of the appropriate Ray—is held in immaculate concept by each steward and coalesces the energies of each Golden City. And as consciousness increases, members of mankind seek its Fifth Dimension power as spiritual retreats.
2. Geophysical Activation: More Active
The interaction of Mother Earth and the Golden Cities—Fifth Dimensional structures—produces Third and Fourth Dimensional characteristics. This phenomenon creates a more active activation. The significance of Third Dimensional activation lies in its ability to generate a Vortex at the intersection of lei-lines. When eight of these invisible coordinates crisscross, a Vortex emerges, including the formation of Golden City Vortices. Vortices move in a clockwise/counterclockwise motion. Geophysically activated Golden Cities have a profound effect on humans: they experience longevity, greater healing abilities, and physical regeneration. In the Fourth Dimension, Nature Kingdoms begin to interact with Vortex energies; human visitors experience telepathic and psychic abilities, and lucid dreaming. [Lei-lines are magnetic lines of detectable energy.]
3. Ceremonial Activation: To Hasten Reactions by Various Means
Ceremonial activations, inspired by humans who seek an intense result from a Golden City, occur on an emotional-astral level in areas throughout these sacred Vortices. Similar to pujas or yagyas—known in Hindu as sacrifices—fire or water-driven ceremonies neutralize difficult Karmas and enhance beneficial human qualities.
4. Great Central Sun Activation: To Place in Active Status
Produced by a greater timing or origin, this type of activation relies on the energies that emanate from the Great Central Sun or Galactic Center (our universe rotates around a larger sun). Some theosophical scholars say power from the Galactic Center sends subtle energies to our solar system via the planetary fire triplicity: Jupiter, Mars, and the Sun.
1."Earth's Grid System, Becker-Hagens, Ley Lines, Hartmann Net, Curry Lines - Science and Pseudoscience - Crystalinks." Crystalinks Home Page. Web. 03 Aug. 2011..
2. Smith, Kathleen. Basalt. Tech. Print.
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[Dymaxion Map: "File:Dymaxion.jpg." Wikimedia Commons. Aug. 2005. Web. 03 Aug. 2011.] |
Lei-lines are the circuitry of the earth. This natural infrastructure covers the entire globe and the linear currents of energy contain both electrical and magnetic points that comprise the world’s grid. The idea of a grid of energy encircling the world is nothing new. The ancient spiritual arts of Indian Vastu Vidya and Classical Chinese Feng Shui aptly harness the energies of the earth with scientific precision. However, Buckminster “Bucky” Fuller was perhaps one of the first contemporary visual pioneers of a geodesic world grid—the Dymaxion Map—his cuboctahedron depiction of Spaceship Earth.
The planetary grid of luminous, life-giving energy is akin to our earth held ever so delicately in the Creator’s palms. One hand presents the intricate science of Ivan Sanderson’s system of successive superimposed Platonic Solids, and this creates the earth’s energy field—an icosahedron; or the Russian team of Goncharov, Morozov, and Makarov who theorize the grid’s infrastructure is linked to the Great Pyramid at Giza. These theories were later examined by Bill Becker and Beth Hagen who attribute anomalies like the Bermuda Triangle and the Devil’s Sea to Vile Vortices.1 The second hand of the Creator cradles the golden grid with a sublime reverence for life, with overlays of inner-connectivity between dimensions, the potential for spiritual growth, and the consciousness of the ONE. The Golden City Vortex system—prophesied in the I AM America material—likely draws its paradigm from the later, but as the calendar moves forward to 2012, and as we experience continued Time Compaction, it is probable both scenarios exist side-by-side.
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[I AM America US Golden Cities Map] |
Golden City Vortices are formed at the convergence of eight lei-lines, a grid prophesied to appear on earth at the same time of world-wide Earth Change. This grid is claimed to be a new spiritual framework, and assists the Spiritual Awakening of humanity, while stepping-down energies from the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Dimension. It is also prophesied that our use of the Golden Cities assists the process of transcendence, and the Cities of Spiritual Light, with their earthly lei-lines, magnificent power-points, and sacred energies are templates to usher human consciousness into Global Ascension.
I have intentionally lived in a Golden City since 1991; however, since the Master Teachers prophesied their structure and presence several years prior, I immediately began to explore their beauty and essence. So far I’ve visited six Cities: the five Golden Cities of the United States, and one in Canada. Each is distinctive and unique as Master Kuthumi declares, “Like flowers in a garden.” Every Golden City is layered in magnificent spiritual dimension and as diverse in subtle energies as their people, cultures, flora, fauna, and geography.
No doubt, I know Gobean best. When I first moved to the Golden City of the Southwest United States I was impressed with the sky, as blue as its Ray; and at night its full expanse lit the stars of the Milky Way. We soon found ourselves on numerous Vortex road-trips. Our journeys would begin on Highway 60 heading east on the Colorado Plateau to New Mexico through the four doorways, the sacred four directions; and onward to discover initiatory encounters with the playful, yet challenging Adjutant Points which disperse the Vortex’s finer energies. Many Vortex drives were serene day-trips to the Star—the Vortex’s center, which is considered the City’s critical point, and locations where spiritual change and collective consciousness is leveraged. The Master Teachers gave us this prayer: “Mighty I Am Presence come forward and let me serve the cause divine of the Spiritual Hierarchy—the Great White Brotherhood and Sisterhood of breath, sound, and light. I now call forth my perfect service in alignment to the divine plan!”
Sometimes after the prayer I’d pick up a small rock from the location; a reminder of my inner journey.
[Crystals for Golden City Activation. Courtesy E. Cardall] |
I posted her request on this blog, and one connection led to another. In just a matter of days Crystal Couriers for both Shalahah and Klehma were in place: Alice and Jodi at the Star of Shalahah (near Lolo Pass, Montana); and Gayle and Kathleen at the Star of Klehma (near Cope, Colorado).
Here are excerpts from their emails which chronicle their Vortex experiences.
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[Golden City of Shalahah from the I AM America Map] |
From Alice:
“Jodi and I headed up to Lolo to go to the meadow that Jodi had been to just a week ago and she told me the area felt really strong to her…we noticed that the clouds seemed to be gathering. Jodi and I both mentioned how we felt like something drawing us further up the pass…I then saw the sign that marked the passing of Lewis and Clark in the area so many years ago.
[Shalahah Meadow. Photo Courtesy A. Dilts] |
We got out of the car and started walking towards some trees since we both felt compelled to walk that direction. I could feel the energy so strongly I almost had trouble walking…As I held the crystal I could feel it vibrating and it felt warm in my hand and I gave it to Jodi so she could feel it as well. We felt that the crystal was singing!”
[The Shalahah Crystal Photo courtesy A. Dilts] |
The day after the experience Alice wrote, “I went to Gem Mountain today and I noticed as we drove by Highway 12 (the route to Lolo Pass) I knew I could feel the vibrations of the crystal and it was buried up at the pass about twenty-five miles away!”
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[Golden City of Klehma from the I AM America Map] |
From Gayle:
“We drove and drove to find an area that felt right, one that would be safe and where the crystal wanted to be placed. We decided to go to Joes, Colorado which is five miles from Cope. The area felt positive and it was as though we were being led right to the area that the crystal wanted to be placed.”
[Near Cope, Colorado, the Star of the Golden City of Klehma. Photo Courtesy G.B.Smith] |
[For more information:]
Golden City Activation:
A full comprehension of the word “activate” is key to understanding this spiritual phenomenon. The following dictionary definitions describe its usage: “to make active;” “to make more active;” “to hasten reactions by various means”; and “to place in active status.” So, the term Golden City Activation includes several meanings and applications to illustrate the four types of Golden City activations.
1. Ascended Master Activation: Made Active
The Spiritual Hierarchy first conceptualized the idea of the Golden Cities by the perfect out-picturing of these spiritual centers. Certain Master Teachers, Archangels, and Elohim—in cooperation with Mother Earth Babajeran—sponsor specific Golden Cities. Their task: to gather the energies of each divine municipality. The grid structure of earth—in tandem with the focus of the appropriate Ray—is held in immaculate concept by each steward and coalesces the energies of each Golden City. And as consciousness increases, members of mankind seek its Fifth Dimension power as spiritual retreats.
2. Geophysical Activation: More Active
The interaction of Mother Earth and the Golden Cities—Fifth Dimensional structures—produces Third and Fourth Dimensional characteristics. This phenomenon creates a more active activation. The significance of Third Dimensional activation lies in its ability to generate a Vortex at the intersection of lei-lines. When eight of these invisible coordinates crisscross, a Vortex emerges, including the formation of Golden City Vortices. Vortices move in a clockwise/counterclockwise motion. Geophysically activated Golden Cities have a profound effect on humans: they experience longevity, greater healing abilities, and physical regeneration. In the Fourth Dimension, Nature Kingdoms begin to interact with Vortex energies; human visitors experience telepathic and psychic abilities, and lucid dreaming. [Lei-lines are magnetic lines of detectable energy.]
3. Ceremonial Activation: To Hasten Reactions by Various Means
Ceremonial activations, inspired by humans who seek an intense result from a Golden City, occur on an emotional-astral level in areas throughout these sacred Vortices. Similar to pujas or yagyas—known in Hindu as sacrifices—fire or water-driven ceremonies neutralize difficult Karmas and enhance beneficial human qualities.
4. Great Central Sun Activation: To Place in Active Status
Produced by a greater timing or origin, this type of activation relies on the energies that emanate from the Great Central Sun or Galactic Center (our universe rotates around a larger sun). Some theosophical scholars say power from the Galactic Center sends subtle energies to our solar system via the planetary fire triplicity: Jupiter, Mars, and the Sun.
1."Earth's Grid System, Becker-Hagens, Ley Lines, Hartmann Net, Curry Lines - Science and Pseudoscience - Crystalinks." Crystalinks Home Page. Web. 03 Aug. 2011.
2. Smith, Kathleen. Basalt. Tech. Print.
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